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Eurovision Song Contest 2024 Malmö

Rap Martin Österdahl and the analogy to Motivational Video No. 751

Not only the participating songs are highlights of the Eurovision Song Contest (ESC) but also some of the songs performed as interval acts. This time thinks are that my thoughts keep circling about the guess having seen "You're good to go" already ...

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The song sung by Lynda Woodruff can be watched in the Grand Final live recording from 1:13:45. This is in the break after competitor #13 (UK).

A still image from the Motivational Video No. 751 which was shown on Schmalfilmtage Dresden 2023 and 2024 can be viewed here.

A list of similarities follows:

Here's a comparative picture of the both music videos:

My first thought was that both videos have an intersecting creatorship. It is possible as well that rap iconographics generally raise similar impressions, like the offers in kebap takeaways are very similar in very different locations on the world.

Amendment: In this years' ESC there were decisions to be made which an any case didn't or wouldn't please some guys. This manifested in boos during Martin Österdahls short scenes. "You're good to go" is a nice supporting sign of the ESC team. IMHO this compensates for the, let's say, one-sided heterosexual approach.

Document of May 12, 2024, last modification on 12 May 2024. Page source